Friday, September 8, 2017

And Now......YOUTUBE ! (The Worst of All !!!) UPDATED 6-15-2018

It never fails to amaze me how people will argue with you about something they know nothing about and try to explain the "facts" about a subject as if they are a college professor and you are five years old. That is my experience every single time I visit YouTube, usually to upload a new video or to give a thumbs up to one of  My Tess' creations.

YouTube clearly does not employ any administrators, moderators, or the like because that place is like an unsupervised daycare center full of high school dropouts with overinflated egos and a sense of self-entitlement that imbues them with the "right" to speak any way they choose to anyone they deem less edumacated ( I SWEAR SOMEONE ACTUALLY SPELLED IT THAT WAY 😧 !!!) than they believe themselves to be. As My Tess says: Heaven Help Us !

I have tried to correct countless confused YouTube commenters regarding the facts about Brendan's name, career, divorce, the alimony ($600,000 per year) and child support ($300,000 per year , and that doesn't add up to $1.2mi. no matter how you do the math !), the house that was for sale recently (not his anymore, hasn't been for years, the real estate company is only using his name to try to attract buyers,etc.), his supposed poverty (hardly), mental state (We ALL have good days and bad days), depression (Ditto), his stress (Who doesn't have stress ??? Buddhists,maybe. I'll ask Richard Gere ,who went through an unpleasant and expensive divorce recently and was NOT made the subject of memes, photoshopped pictures and petitions, the next time I see him.

I'm always disappointed when a liar's pants don't actually catch on fire.😉

"How Divorce Broke Brendan Fraser" by Redonkulas is "about as far from the truth as you can get" ,according to a trusted friend who gave up 18 MINUTES of their life to watch it. (Tess and I have a list of better things to do, that we don't have time for, so we passed). Apparently, this is a very bitter,divorced guy who makes a lot of videos slamming marriage and women and decided to include Brendan in one of his rants. His "facts" are pure fiction, he doesn't even try to get the story straight, and uses faked photos and really old photos in his videos(Big surprise😒).This video has received 45,000 views. 45,000??? And of course, our friend's comment telling him what was wrong with the video (everything) was deleted. 

Those "WHY HOLLYWOOD DOESN'T HIRE BRENDAN FRASER ANYMORE" videos really grind my gears. To begin with, why do they use a robot voice ? Is someone going to recognize their real voice ??? I doubt it. Who are these people anyway ?

1) Brendan did not pass on doing the sequel to JOURNEY TO THE CENTER of the EARTH because he only wanted to work with Director Eric Brevig (who had already opted out to work on JOHN CARTER  because the sequel to JTTCOTE was not being made in 3D). There were personal reasons why BRENDAN did not make the movie that had nothing to do with Eric Brevig.

I do not appreciate being addressed as female body parts, psychiatric or medical terms, or mindless profane epithets. When did it become "cool" to be vulgar, rude, and illiterate ? Apparently I missed that edict. Thank goodness. I am proud of my education, my social standing, my financial status and my Southern Belle fiancee who epitomizes the charm, grace, education and manners of the name.(She even wears pretty dresses,pearls,white gloves and carries a parasol, and has more hats than I do.) She is a lady from head to toe, inside and out. I consider myself a gentleman, and so does she, or she would not be with me, and I count myself extremely blessed that she is.

I find myself constantly shaking my head at young men, but even more so at young women who constantly demean themselves with gutter talk and crude behavior as if having an education, manners, and a pleasant personality are things to be "ashamed" of. It doesn't matter how much money a person has either because there are plenty of rich celebrities with college educations who behave the same way. Why ??? It's perfectly possible for someone to be self-educated and cultivate good manners and charm. Why is the opposite so much more attractive, and if these people are happy with the way they are, then why are they so ANGRY and always looking for a fight ?

I considered posting the usernames of the worst offenders but there were too many and I don't think they deserve any acknowledgment for their bad behavior. They know who they are. Or do they ???

I have turned off email responses to comments and so has Tess and our videos only have approved comments for these reasons. I don't want to argue with these people anymore. It isn't worth it. They do not want to even try to accept anyone else's opinions but their own and they cannot be corrected.
They believe the first story they hear (true or not, usually not) from some unamed, unreliable source and they accept it as the gospel truth and nothing (not even the actual truth from a reliable source) will sway them. They are parrots repeating the same comment over and over unaware or unconcerned over the damage that these unsubstantiated rumors cause to others. They enjoy their own and other's ignorance to a degree that borders on a kind of mob insanity. It saddens me because an entire generation will be lost if something or someone cannot reach out to these young people and set them on a better path. Obviously, it won't be me.

Something to think about. 😔

Sunday, August 20, 2017

INSTAGRAM (Yup, It's your turn !)

  I have recently returned from taking my first stroll through a few of the WAY TOO MANY "Brendan Fraser" pages on Instagram. EEEP😨! Wow, there are some seriously confused people over there.

@brendanfraserupdates -They don't have any of the locations or years of the pictures right, they don't recognize directors or know the names of people in photos with him unless they are actors. Brendan has never dated any of those girls, he doesn't have a white car, has never owned a house in Santa Monica, doesn't shop on Rodeo Drive and Easter is not in November. Oh, and calling him "B" is a pretty lame way to pretend that you know him. How did you ever think that up ?😕

I counted 54 "Brendan Fraser" accounts ! Three are "official". Um, no they're not. What is wrong with you people ??? Don't you have any hobbies or interests ? Don't you have a job ? A family ? A tv set ? It makes me sad that so many people are wasting their lives with this silliness. Man, I thought Reddit, Facebook and the Chans were bad but this is terrible and I really wish it would stop. Brendan has a very full life and he would want you to have one too.

Why aren't there any posts here from Italy ? Because for the most part the sets are closed (as they were in London due to recent events) and there aren't any photographers taking pictures and unless I, or Tess, are making a video which is obviously meant for visual amusement, we don't make things up. Listen, I'll tell you a little secret. SETS ARE BORING !!! Ninety percent of the time is spent sitting around waiting. Do you want pictures of that ?
If you said yes, that's sad.

 When we have REAL news or photos (not fan phone pictures- Go to Facebook or Instagram for those)  we'll post them here. Scouts honor. (Reminder: Neither Brendan or TheChamCham was ever a boy scout.)

Warning: My next post will be about Tess' mother's 60th birthday bash in New Orleans. If that interests you, swell. If it doesn't, then you're probably in the wrong place.

                                                                                See ya ! 😉

Thursday, June 29, 2017


Hey kids, it's Camera Day today and as an amateur photographer, I usually have at least one camera with me, even if it's only my phone. I also like to shop for cameras, camera equipment, and film. Especially, vintage polaroids.

 Although I prefer to shoot in black and white I have taken some color photos (which My Tess says are "so much prettier than the gray ones") and so I thought I would share a few with you today.

A beautiful little beach that we hope to return to someday soon. I tried to get a picture of Tess in her swimsuit but she ran from me.  (I'll keep trying.)

The Brooklyn Bridge at sunset is gone. Are you happy NOW, Petra ???

Bluffers Park 

The Grand Floridian Resort

A little bird Tess wanted badly, but was content with a picture.

Old Montreal

Tower Bridge in London.

And this one is important because..................

And here are some photos of Brendan, who is also an amateur photographer  (I don't know why he calls himself that. If you've sold one photo, you can call yourself a professional photographer. I think he more than qualifies.) Happy Camera Day !!!

This was in my Christmas stocking last year from my favorite little elf.

And this one was under the tree.

Kodak No.1 Diodak  (for AussieGirl)

Monday, June 5, 2017


Yesterday a "friend" ,or more accurately put, a person apparently hoping to be, sent us an "fyi"informing us that the little petition started some months ago by "fans"of Mr. Brendan Fraser had reached over forty-seven thousand signatures!!!!! Since my Darling Mr."C" has already had his say about the aforementioned petition, I thought that I would like to have mine.

Now as you may or may not know from visiting this blog, I was born and raised in the Old South and although I have lived in several other states, a couple of other countries and on one other continent, in my heart and soul, I am and always will be a Southerner. This being the case, I may from time to time use an expression that may be foreign to you, especially if you happen to be one of our foreign visitors. Or you may think that you know what I mean, when you do not. Here is an example:

                                               WELL BLESS YOUR HEART!
                               Northern Translation : Aren't you sweet, thank you, how kind of you, how thoughtful of you, what a nice thing to do (or say).

                               Southern Translation : Get ready for a whoopin'! ( verbal paddling, spanking, a talking to, that you brought upon yourself, Mister!)

I cannot fathom how over forty-seven thousand people could all be so naive, so gullible, so thoughtless, so insensitive, and I am sorry but I am going to have to say it......So dumb! Are you all cousins or something??? I spent part of my childhood and teenage years in California because my father worked for Metro Goldwyn Mayer. He taught me all about the inner workings of the film business and if he were alive today he would be appalled that anyone thought that a director, producer or film studio would be impressed by such childish tactics. TheChamCham with over thirty Year's experience in the entertainment industry agrees with me on this as you already know. Granted, that was another time. A time when talent, personality, looks, and your past accomplishments meant something and you were hired on your own merits. Now it is true that the present Hollywood is another place entirely where your connections (ie: nepotism) and your social media profile mean more than your training, versatility, and dedication to your chosen craft. I think that is very sad. 

And the audiences have clearly changed as well. There was a time when musicals ruled and films stood on their own. Now, bilge like "LaLaLand" gets away with calling itself a musical and is nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture and every other movie released is part of a trilogy, a sequel or a prequel. I may be old-fashioned (and proud of it) but I miss the way it used to be, when stars were stars and not paparazzi princesses, tabloid fodder and cartoonish professional wrestlers turned "actors". Yes, Mr. Johnson, I am looking at you.

Brendan Fraser is an actor of the "old school". Classically trained, multi-talented, versatile. He is capable of playing any role and his multi-faceted performances in Gods and Monsters, The Quiet American , School Ties and Trust have been some of his best and sadly, most overlooked in favor of his lighter comedic roles in George of the Jungle, the Mummy films and Blast from the Past. At least his Scrubs appearances are regularly praised, as they should be. 

My point is that you can all stop patting yourselves on the back because you truly accomplished nothing. Brendan's supposed "blacklisting" by Hollywood is a fantasy. He has worked regularly for twenty-six years in a cutthroat industry with only one year missing from his filmography and when he finally takes a well-deserved hiatus of his own choosing for personal reasons of his own (which TheChamCham tried to explain to you many times at IMDb and which I am confirming here) someone starts a rumor that Hollywood has turned their back on him! That could not be further from the truth.  

As you have seen in the past few months, he is as popular and in demand as he has always been and it is no thanks to you. He was ready to start working full time again, his agents made this known to The Powers That Be (which do not include any of you) ,the scripts came to him and he chose what he wanted to do, so please do not take credit for something you had nothing to do with. If anything, your interfering would have done more harm than good if Brendan's popularity and reputation did not precede him. He did not need your "help", He did not need "saving" and I am very pleased to be able to finally tell you!

The projects that he is currently involved in have been in the planning stages for far longer than the petition or any of the other schemes "to get him work" have been in motion. For example, TRUST has been planned for six months but casting announcements were not made until just before filming began. 

If you seriously want to do something for Brendan, simply go to his movies, watch his series' and show him the respect that he deserves.  That is what true fans do. Take down those silly and sarcastic subreddits, photo shopped pictures, and stop the memes. This should give you plenty of time to go to school or get a job, and accomplish something in your own lives instead of living vicariously through others. Brendan is a perfect example of a self-made man who worked his way up the ladder in a tough business with no connections and still remained the same sweet, kind, wonderful and honorable man that he is. You could learn a great deal from him.

One more thing I would like to address before I go (I have a beautiful roast chicken in the oven and I do not want it to overcook!)  As for your opinions regarding the former Mrs. Fraser. None of you know her, only what you have read which may or may not be true, so your comments are rather 
inappropriate and ill-informed. You need to be reminded that it was not she, but the Connecticut family court judges and our own United States court system that decided the amount of the alimony payments that they felt she was entitled to ($ 50,000 per month =$600,000 per year until January 31,2019. The child support is $25,000 per month = $300,000 per year and it was never, ever in dispute. There was a prenup.It was thrown out by the judge.) and not Miss Smith herself. So, while I am not defending her, I am simply pointing out that your complaints should be made to the court system and not to her. Perhaps a better waste of time and energy and precious brain cells would have been to petition the courts for a reduction of the alimony (see above)  which would be a waste of time, or better yet, why not petition Hollywood to get acting jobs for Miss Smith, who until her marriage to Mr.Fraser was a "working actress "(see IMDb)?

Oh my goodness that chicken smells delicious(!) and I hear TheChamCham coming downstairs for his lunch and I never like to keep him waiting, so I have to be going now. Try to remember what I have told you and when you tell the other forty-seven thousand, please try to get the facts straight. It really is not that difficult, if you try. Now, get on out of my kitchen, please. And bless your hearts!


P.S. And if you think that Brendan is "pleased" about any of this, you would be sadly mistaken.

UPDATE: It appears that the petition has been removed. Apparently it's author (NOT TheChamCham) dropped the ball and never submitted it to those for which it was intended. Good!
It was one more misguided attempt to "help" a man who does not need help and to "save" a man not in need of saving. 
Volunteering at a hospital, animal shelter or an orphanage is a much better way to help those truly in need. 

UPDATE : A new article from ET CANADA by a GAVIN CRISP. While I am pleased that Mr. Crisp is able to spell BRENDAN FRASER correctly and has apparently seen twelve of his films (out of  48), I am dismayed that he left out The Quiet American. Now, was this done because he has not seen it or because he did not like it? Either way, it should have been included. I also did not appreciate the snarkiness. Is it too much to expect a "journalist" to be impartial these days? Apparently. 

It also puzzles me that we only have a few Canadian visitors to the blog. Considering that Brendan holds a Canadian passport (as well as an American one) , pays taxes in both countries and has made quite a few films and a TV series (VERY recently) north of the border, I would expect more support from the Great White North. Silly me.

Thursday, May 4, 2017


I missed one (or more). I'm not remaking the video.



Those darned things sure got around, didn't they ?😖

Saturday, April 1, 2017


After four years of study📚 ( in addition to a four year pre-graduate degree) at the Université de  Montreal Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Brendan graduated 🎓 this week and plans to set up his practice in the small town of Saint-Hyacinth, Quebec where he has purchased a small farm after selling his upstate, New York home last month.

Having always had great affection and love for animals, much more than for people, " Animals are more honest, they do not judge you, and their love is unconditional", it seemed natural when his interest in acting waned almost a decade ago and he decided to do what others had done before him. "I asked my inner child what I had wanted to be when I grew up, what had made little Brendan happy and content, what made me feel alive. My pets 🐕🐎🐴🐺🐇🐶🐹🐰! And animals I had worked with throughout the years 🐃🐈🐉🐒🐘🐟🐪🐫.It was an easy decision from there."

Though an experienced horseman, Brendan plans to specialize in dogs, cats, and other small pets. With his innate kindness and soothing manner, he is a natural for this respected profession.

Commuting from NY to Canada ✈ every weekend was difficult, but he spent weekends and holidays with his sons and even they noticed how much happier and relaxed Dad was than when he had been making films.

Brendan is not giving up the camera entirely though. He has already been asked by the Université to make a series of instructional videos.📹

Nous te souhaitons beaucoup de succès dans cette prochaine étape professionnelle, Docteur Fraser !

 Hollywood's loss is the animals` (and their owner's) gain.

I'm assuming that you've checked the date that I posted this by now and have realized that we were only having a bit of APRIL FOOL'S fun !!! I'm a cheeky monkey, aren't I ???🐒😉

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


The American Museum of Natural History in New York City has a new exhibit from the Field Museum in Chicago that opened Monday and will continue until January 7, 2018. Located on the fourth floor LeFrak Gallery, the exhibit will be presenting Egyptian mummies, Peruvian mummies and Mummies Revealed ,views of the mummies still inside their wrappings and sarcophaguses through CT scanning.
General admission is $22. The museum is located at Central Park West at 79th Street, New York City, NY. Open daily from 10am - 5:45pm.

Photo credit : John Weinstein, The Field Museum  (2015)

Thursday, March 2, 2017


As of today, April 23, 2019 I have been banned from posting on the Doom Patrol subreddit. What were my crimes? I don't know. Apparently, they don't bother to tell you, but presumably they were : 1) I posted the link to the blog. Specifically, The Voiceover Artiste page after someone commented that B should do more voiceover work. I thought I was "helping" them by doing so😏. 2) Someone else commented that B was "nervous" in the Today Show interview (he wasn't). I replied "Gee, I wonder why" simply alluding to the fallout from previous interviews. 3) A third comment posted the same rambling, disjointed, and skewed "facts" about B's history. I simplyk told them that they were "wrong". I find it amusing😒that Reddit allows the posting of outright lies, half-truths, rumor, innuendo, insults, rampant profanity, vulgarity, and blatant stupidity, but heaven forefend you should correct someone or share an "unpopular" opinion. Am I offended by the ban? No, I actually take it as a great compliment. I don't want to be a member of that "club" and they are not welcome in ours. And in case you weren't aware, we can see who has visited us. You thought you were being sneaky, didn't you ?🤨
It has come to my attention that the bulk of the visitors to this fledgling blog/website are emigrating from these websites. This displeases me,to say the least. My friends and loved ones know me to be a kind and forgiving man,but even I can only be pushed so far before any unkindness or threats to those aforementioned friends and loved ones cannot go unanswered. Therefore, I ask you now to cease and desist in your campaigns ,for lack of a better word, to "save", "help", or in any way further embarrass Brendan Fraser and his family and friends.        

CAN you honestly sit there and think that constantly bashing a man, at the same time proclaiming to be his biggest fans and supporters, is alright ? Amusing ? "Helping" him ?

DO you believe that making "fun" of  people with diseases, disabilities, and other medical conditions is acceptable is this "politically correct" age ?  The terms "autist" "superautist" and "turboautist" (are these even words ???) have been used to describe me due to my supposed "obsessive" knowledge of  BRENDAN FRASER'S history. Are you aware that BRENDAN'S eldest son is on THE AUTISM SPECTRUM ??? Are your comments purposely intended then ,or are you actually, ironically ignorant of that fact ? Either way. This will stop.Today.

IS making violent threats towards the mother of Brendan's children, a woman he loved for FOURTEEN YEARS and still maintains a close co-parental relationship with, as well as a great deal of respect for, something that you think he would approve of ? If you do, you could not be more mistaken. A threat to ANYONE in Brendan's inner circle is UNACCEPTABLE. This too,stops. TODAY!!!

 THAT DAMNED PETITION at  was NOT started by myself or anyone in Brendan's inner circle !!! I have it on good authority than the poster who admitted to starting it emanates from 4chan (Australia) and that he signed my name to it because I am Brendan's "biggest fan". That may be true, but I am also the last person on this earth who would ever embarrass him with such a ridiculous, thoughtless and pointless prank. I have been around the industry long enough to know that that is not the way things work in Hollywood or Bollywood or anywhere in between. If you actually thought signing it would "help"  Brendan, you are woefully mistaken. If anything, it has done the opposite. If your actual plan was to humiliate him in front of the industry he has worked so hard to establish himself in over the past TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS !!!, mission accomplished. Brendan does not need anyone's help to obtain work in the entertainment industry. At this point in time, he is working as often as he personally cares to. When and if he decides to increase the frequency of his screen time, he has an agent to make those arrangements for him.

As for the continuing confusion about the alimony, here is the correct information straight from "THE HORSE'S"♐ mouth. Please pass it along -

                                   ALIMONY $50,000 PER MONTH, $600,000 PER YEAR.

ALSO, IT WAS BRENDAN,WHO FILED FOR DIVORCE, NOT AFTON !!!  His children were not taken, stolen, kidnapped or kept from him by Afton, he has always been their father, first and foremost. 

                                      CHILD SUPPORT: $25,000 PER MONTH, $300,000 PER YEAR. THIS WAS NEVER IN DISPUTE.

                                   TOTAL: A "MERE" $75,000 PER MONTH, $900,000 PER YEAR. 

 And incidentally, THERE WAS A PRENUP but the CONNECTICUT  COURT SYSTEM in their "infinite wisdom" saw fit to throw it out. So let's STOP judging BRENDAN on that and before you flippantly say that this wouldn't happen to you, going to court in "real life" is nothing like it is on L.A. Law, The Practice, or in movies. So until you've walked a mile in the big man's size 13's.......😒 I wanted to clear that up.

And as for swearing off of women for the rest of your life because of getting divorced. 🤨  That's silly. Horses aren't all the same and neither are women. You just need to find the one that fits.

There is also a mistaken belief amongst you that I may be Brendan's estranged brother, Regan. If you knew their history, that would not even cross your mind. Regan is a troubled, jealous, angry person who never misses an opportunity to bash his baby brother. Does that sound like me ? I could not be more insulted than to be compared in any way to him.  Enough said.
Except for the post on the Universal Monsters website, I had never posted anywhere but IMDb (YES, I AM THE SAME TheChamCham!!!) under this name which has been MY username  for   OVER SEVEN YEARS!!! I have a YouTube account under the name TheChamChamofIMDb (because apparently there is a band called The Cham-Cham) I do not have a Twitter, Facebook, 4Chan, account etc.

I have recently joined Reddit but I don't see myself spending a lot of time there. In fact, I was apparently "banned" the first day I was there by the SAVEBRENDAN page by someone calling themselves AccountForXiaomi for being "annoying". I took that to mean my habit of correcting misinformation and downright lies. Some people apparently can't handle the truth. Since people had insisted that I did have an account there, I went to check it out and found TheChamcham (wrong) who although he, (I'm assuming it's a he) has only been posting there for a year (Reminder: I began posting as TheChamCham at IMDb SIX YEARS
 ago !!! ) he quite rudely insists that he is TheChamcham 😈 . There are a lot of imposters out there. I don't understand that. 

I do not want to have to bolt the door here and require members to have to sign in to visit us, but if the threads and "subs" from the above named sites do not cease, I will do so. If you were waiting for acknowledgement , you have now achieved that and I will kindly ask you to move along. 

I visited Reddit recently and tried to make some of these points there but I was very rudely dismissed and I was not even able to register to try to speak to some of you at 4Chan because there is already someone there using my name so I thought it pointless to try. Why anyone would usurp a screen name that they do not even understand, is beyond me. Do you not even have the imagination to think up one of your own ? Apparently not. Nor the guts, judging from the plethora of  "Anons" posting there. How ignominious.

RE: The IMDb Photo: Brendan is NOT wearing TWO watches. And the brand of his ⌚ is none of your 🐝🐝🐝  wax. And in fact, it is a very nice watch,as far as he is concerned, and his opinion is the only one that matters on that subject.

 And... as far as TheChamCham's supposed "inaccuracies" are concerned, YOU are welcome to come here and be SPECIFIC in your "allegations", but ONLY if you are willing to follow the blog rules (found on the YOU FOUND ME page). Otherwise, please continue to play in your own backyard. Besides, it's next to impossible to be "inaccurate"when you're writing about your own......I'd better not finish that sentence. 😉 

And another thing....The name is, and always has been, 

B R E N D A N    F R A S E R !!!  

Dishonorable mentions in no particular order, for recent articles about Brendan go to:

SEVEN DAYS AGO- Life and Style Magazine's Tiffany White for an article entitled Whatever Happened To Brendan Fraser, the Original Chris Pratt?
I don't think there was a single correct "fact" in this entire pseudo article. $900,000 IN CHILD SUPPORT ???  Come On !!! How many times do I have to correct you guys ??? I'm beginning to think being able to read is not a prerequisite for so-called journalists anymore. I know being able to write isn't!

And I want to be the first to say : Lay off of Chris Pratt. I sincerely think he has been jinxed by people constantly referring to him as "the new Brendan Fraser". Whatever that means ??? What did that get him ? He's headed to divorce court and my heart goes out to him because it looks like he's in for a rough ride. I hope the judge is a Jurassic World/Guardians of the Galaxy fan and not a fan of whatever the soon to be ex-Mrs. Pratt does besides putting on her eye makeup in a personal salute to Raccoons Everywhere. GOOD LUCK CHRIS. I'm afraid you're going to need it,buddy. One thing you can be happy about ? You didn't file in Connecticut !!!
(Apparently, I was wrong about that. Some guys have all the luck😒.)

Only three days after My Tess' post (very popular at the moment !) ---------

we get a new article from the poison pen (or poison keyboard- Yes, I remember when they used to use pens!) pseudo-journalist named Susannah Guthrie from the
A most confused and misleading piece that starts with comparing a 1991 Brendan with a 2016 Brendan and proceeds to get stupider from there. Here's a bit of information for you, Susie. Unless you're a robot, you will NOT look exactly the same at 23 and 48. Deal with it. Some women prefer a man to a boy. I know mine does !

I suggest you change careers. I think you should raise puppies. Then you could print out your articles and all that wasted paper could serve a greater purpose. Good luck with that.😉
Today, 6/12/2017 we have two more. Another badly written (even after I translated it) little slam piece by Andrea M. Rosa Del Pino from El Mundo entitled "The Shocking Physical Change of Brendan Fraser, the actor of "The Mummy" featuring photos of Brendan "today" ( the picture is actually from a particularly bad day in 2012, but no one cares about that 😥) and 1997 (while filming George of the Jungle) amidst some inaccurate "reporting". Then, a little mishmash of fact and fiction with even older photos by Lara Eguiluz from something called Tikitakas.
Gee, I thought Brendan was popular in Mexico. Did both of these women get dumped by their boyfriends or something ? Why take it out on Brendan ?😕
Does anyone do research anymore ? I don't remember Brendan making a movie called "To the devil with the devil", but oh well, 
no one cares about the facts anymore either, right? It's all about the shock value and getting your LOL's. That's swell.😑

And Today's Award for..........
HIGHEST ACHIEVEMENT IN SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION goes to...........It's a tie ! Adele Mellish and Ashley Feinberg !!! (Who wants to bet that they're the same person ?) "The Last Pure Place On The Internet" ???Facebook ??? 😆Allow me to dust off an old chestnut when I say.....Oh brother 🙄. It makes me wonder if Brendan ever decided that he DID want to start his own fan page there, if  "the powers that be" would accommodate his desire to use his own name, considering that Miss Mellish has appropriated it as her own...🤔. Don't worry, Adele. We like it here just fine and we wouldn't dream of depriving you of your one photo, one link, one sentence "thunder". The article was.....amusing, to say the least.
I hope you enjoyed your five minutes of "fame".

Both Tess and I are proud to count ourselves among the banned for being "better" fans. Miss Mellish was also blocked from my IMDb account for sending me several PM's that more than hinted at wanting me to set up "a little interaction" between her and Brendan, which was of course out of the question. As I told her back then, the last thing Brendan wants or needs is an Afton wannabe. She has disliked me ever since. Gee, I wonder if her boyfriend knows about those PM's. I still have them, if he's interested.
I also took her to task for being rude to My Tess, (which everyone knows is a BIG NO NO !!!) after she simply tried to correct her on wrongly dated photos and other misinformation on her Brendan Fraser Facebook fan page, which exists to this day.
Adele finally had the chance to meet Brendan in London (2019), but apparently she was left rather disappointed by the experience. I think it's safe to say that the feeling was mutuel.

You know, I'm a nice guy, so if I'm not nice to you, you really need to ask yourself why. And that includes your "friend" Petra. Two peas in a pod and two of many reasons why Brendan "doesn't have any social media accounts" (And pestering his representatives for a comment about another shlock article is not the way to make points with them or with him.)

Don't believe everything you read on the interweb, kids !

 Even less "honorable" mentions:                                                                                         
              Joe Robberson of Zimbio for "The Strange Return of Brendan Fraser to Hollywood Relevancy".

              Claire McNear of The Ringer for "Let the Brendan Fraser Renaissance Begin".

               Nat Berman of TVO for "Brendan Fraser Reacts When true Best Picture Winner GOTJ is 
announced at the Oscars".  

                Looper  for "Why Hollywood Won't Cast Brendan Fraser Anymore".

         for "Whatever Happened to Brendan Fraser".

                 Nikki Swift for "The Real Reason Hollywood Dumped Brendan Fraser."

AND......  last but not least, Jake Robb, Rusty Jambo and Penguinz0 aka Cr1TiKaL . We are not amused.☹️

   You should all keep your day jobs. Whatever those are.


April 2, 2018- If you've been clicking this post to find updates to this list of recent articles about Brendan written by more pseudo-journalists, neither of us have the time or the interest. Life is far too short and far too nice to bother with that. You know who you are, (actually you probably don't), and I've said all that I have to say on the subject.

Monday, February 6, 2017


1) No Trolls Allowed !!! Troublemakers of ANY kind will be booted and blocked. (That includes entire countries if it becomes necessary. Don't complain to me. Complain to your troublemaking countrymen and women).

2) NO profanity, crude language, or vulgarity of any kind will be tolerated or acknowledged. If you cannot respect us, or each other, then you are not welcome here.

3) All comments are held for review. Inappropriate comments will be deleted and your name will be added to our "no fly" list.

4)  PM's are not appreciated and will not be answered.

5)Requests for interviews, photo shoots, AMA's (whatever that is ??? 😕),etc. must go through the proper channels. This is not the place. 

Thank you.

TheChamCham😉 .