With superhero movies on the rise in popularity, Tess and I were talking the other day and this is
 Tess' idea for a superhero movie for Brendan. TheChamCham is less enthusiastic (but I like to humor her, especially when she's cooking😋).
That's funny, I don't remember Brendan being on America's Next Top Model.
(Doesn't it look exactly like something Tyra Banks would do to one of those contestants !)
Wow !!!🤓

I 😕never realized how much leather Brendan has worn !!!

And so, it continues .....
Photo credit: Kelly Alexiou.😉

On second thought, I'd better not humor her too much. She says the sequels will be called
"Sweater Man"
and "Plaid Shirt Man".

😶 (No comment.)

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