YouTube clearly does not employ any administrators, moderators, or the like because that place is like an unsupervised daycare center full of high school dropouts with overinflated egos and a sense of self-entitlement that imbues them with the "right" to speak any way they choose to anyone they deem less edumacated ( I SWEAR SOMEONE ACTUALLY SPELLED IT THAT WAY 😧 !!!) than they believe themselves to be. As My Tess says: Heaven Help Us !
I have tried to correct countless confused YouTube commenters regarding the facts about Brendan's name, career, divorce, the alimony ($600,000 per year) and child support ($300,000 per year , and that doesn't add up to $1.2mi. no matter how you do the math !), the house that was for sale recently (not his anymore, hasn't been for years, the real estate company is only using his name to try to attract buyers,etc.), his supposed poverty (hardly), mental state (We ALL have good days and bad days), depression (Ditto), his stress (Who doesn't have stress ??? Buddhists,maybe. I'll ask Richard Gere ,who went through an unpleasant and expensive divorce recently and was NOT made the subject of memes, photoshopped pictures and petitions, the next time I see him.
I'm always disappointed when a liar's pants don't actually catch on fire.😉
"How Divorce Broke Brendan Fraser" by Redonkulas is "about as far from the truth as you can get" ,according to a trusted friend who gave up 18 MINUTES of their life to watch it. (Tess and I have a list of better things to do, that we don't have time for, so we passed). Apparently, this is a very bitter,divorced guy who makes a lot of videos slamming marriage and women and decided to include Brendan in one of his rants. His "facts" are pure fiction, he doesn't even try to get the story straight, and uses faked photos and really old photos in his videos(Big surprise😒).This video has received 45,000 views. 45,000??? And of course, our friend's comment telling him what was wrong with the video (everything) was deleted.
Those "WHY HOLLYWOOD DOESN'T HIRE BRENDAN FRASER ANYMORE" videos really grind my gears. To begin with, why do they use a robot voice ? Is someone going to recognize their real voice ??? I doubt it. Who are these people anyway ?
1) Brendan did not pass on doing the sequel to JOURNEY TO THE CENTER of the EARTH because he only wanted to work with Director Eric Brevig (who had already opted out to work on JOHN CARTER because the sequel to JTTCOTE was not being made in 3D). There were personal reasons why BRENDAN did not make the movie that had nothing to do with Eric Brevig.
I do not appreciate being addressed as female body parts, psychiatric or medical terms, or mindless profane epithets. When did it become "cool" to be vulgar, rude, and illiterate ? Apparently I missed that edict. Thank goodness. I am proud of my education, my social standing, my financial status and my Southern Belle fiancee who epitomizes the charm, grace, education and manners of the name.(She even wears pretty dresses,pearls,white gloves and carries a parasol, and has more hats than I do.) She is a lady from head to toe, inside and out. I consider myself a gentleman, and so does she, or she would not be with me, and I count myself extremely blessed that she is.
I find myself constantly shaking my head at young men, but even more so at young women who constantly demean themselves with gutter talk and crude behavior as if having an education, manners, and a pleasant personality are things to be "ashamed" of. It doesn't matter how much money a person has either because there are plenty of rich celebrities with college educations who behave the same way. Why ??? It's perfectly possible for someone to be self-educated and cultivate good manners and charm. Why is the opposite so much more attractive, and if these people are happy with the way they are, then why are they so ANGRY and always looking for a fight ?
I considered posting the usernames of the worst offenders but there were too many and I don't think they deserve any acknowledgment for their bad behavior. They know who they are. Or do they ???
I have turned off email responses to comments and so has Tess and our videos only have approved comments for these reasons. I don't want to argue with these people anymore. It isn't worth it. They do not want to even try to accept anyone else's opinions but their own and they cannot be corrected.
They believe the first story they hear (true or not, usually not) from some unamed, unreliable source and they accept it as the gospel truth and nothing (not even the actual truth from a reliable source) will sway them. They are parrots repeating the same comment over and over unaware or unconcerned over the damage that these unsubstantiated rumors cause to others. They enjoy their own and other's ignorance to a degree that borders on a kind of mob insanity. It saddens me because an entire generation will be lost if something or someone cannot reach out to these young people and set them on a better path. Obviously, it won't be me.
Something to think about. 😔