( Adjective )
Definition: Impossible to be recognized or identified.
Synonyms: Unidentifiable, incognito, disguised.
If I posted the entire list of "journalists" who have used this term in their recent articles about Brendan, (and that's still : Brendan Fraser. To my knowledge he hasn't changed the spelling recently)
we would be here all day. Most of them are reprinting the same article, word for word, quote for quote, picture for picture. How lazy.😩 And WHY is it always the George of the Jungle picture (from 1997) against a recent one. Who the hell would still look like that ??? Brendan didn't even a few months later, but you didn't know THAT, did you ?
And by the way, IF he actually was "unrecognizable", none of you would have recognized him !!! Then who would you have taken pictures of ? Simon Cowell ? Yeah, there's a rare sighting.
My Tess calls Brendan "The Chameleon" because she says she can see him one day and a few weeks or even only days later he will look completely different, but she still knows that it's him no matter what he's wearing or what he weighs or how he's wearing his hair or what hat he has on (or doesn't have on). She says she would know him no matter what. It's his "energy" or his "vibrations" or his "aura" or something. (I don't know, she tends to lose me when she gets too "metaphysical" and I know she's been talking to her herbalist friend again😬).
I've seen her do it, time after time, without fail, so I know it's true. (I gave her this cup for her birthday last year)
BUT.......What about ME ?
Would she know ME "no matter what" ?
"Of course!", she replied,without hesitation. Would she be willing to make a little wager on that, I inquired of my precious. She replied that she did not want to take my money. I replied that the wager did not have to be of a monetary nature and that we could discuss the terms later. She shook her head at me, knowingly. I merely wanted to know how certain she was about her cognitive abilities. She thought a moment and agreed. So I decided to play a little game with her.
The next day, I called a costumer friend and asked if I could borrow several disguises for a few days. We were going on vacation and she sent the costumes and I packed them separately from my pilot case, which My Tess always packs lovingly and efficiently, and when we were settled in at the hotel, I decided to test her at dinner. When she was dressed and ready (and looking very lovely) I pretended to be on an important phone call and asked her if she and her traveling companion wanted to go ahead and I would join them in a few minutes. I got a sweet kiss and they left and I got into the first costume.
In the dining room, I think I startled the hostess when I ran in wearing what I thought was the best of the three disguises, complete with brown contact lenses and beard and asked (in my own voice) to be seated near the beautiful redhead. Then she smiled and picked up a menu and led the way. When I sat down, my angel was regaling her friend with an animated anecdote (she has a million). I waited until she stopped to take a breath and then she turned to look at me. I gazed at her until she blushed (I love to do that !!!).
Her friend (who is as much her watchdog as companion, ladies maid, and hairdresser) gave me a stern look and informed me that her lady was engaged and that her fiance would be joining them momentarily.
I apologized and bowed to them (doing my best Ardeth Bey imitation) and left the dining room, practically ran back to the room, changed and returned as myself and sat down, apologizing. Tess took one look at me and smiled softly. "Honey", she shook her head and patted my cheek. "You forgot the contact lenses." "Damn it!" She giggled. "Did you really think you could fool me?" "Yes!" "Did you bring other outfits?" "A couple." "Well, you can try again tomorrow. What an interesting menu! I bet you are going to have the macaroni pie and whatever venomous fish 🐠🐟🐙they have. I think I will have the...fishcakes."
So, the next day when they were sitting by the pool, I got into the second disguise and walked up to them. Tess started to giggle and I kept on walking.
"I've lived with you for nine years!" she said later when we were standing, watching the sunset. "I would know you if I were unconscious!" "But how?" I asked. She slipped her soft little hand into mine."My heart knows when you are near me. You cannot fool it, no matter how hard you might try." I looked down into that sweet little face and felt like a fool. "No," she smiled. "Not a fool".(It's creepy when she does that) "But no more disguises please."
Me:But the third one is really good ! You'd never know it was me.
Her: Game of Thrones ?
Me: How did you know ? She simply giggled and patted my cheek.
Her: Watch the sunset, Honey. Then we can get some ice cream 🍨.
She always knows exactly what I'm thinking.😉