Monday, May 14, 2018


I think My Tess was happier with these fifteen seconds than the other twenty eight and a half minutes. 😁 She is a firm believer in the truth.

A certain Mr. Tom Wake of something called TvOvermind seems very😟.....what's a nice way of putting it.........Um,
Obsessed ? with the history of Brendan's hair. He really needs to get another hobby. Oh, I don't know......ARCHERY ??? Probably not.
So, we have compiled a list to help Tom and anyone else who is sadly confused about Brendan's hair.
In the following films, Brendan is wearing a wig (sometimes, more than one !!!😱 (Screaming "Nooooooooooooooo !!!))

Sorry ladies, but the long luxurious locks of Mr.Primate were
part of the costume. 

And Little Monkey, played by Binks, had the pleasure of pulling it off on more than one occasion.
And promise you won't faint, but the "tan" came from the make up
department. Brendan is naturally
fair-skinned and does not tan.

Once again, the hair and suntan were part of the costume. The facial hair was Brendan's.

And in case you didn't know,
Rachel was also wearing a wig because she had very short hair at the time. She brushed too hard filming this scene and pulled it off. 😆



I think these are pretty easy ( I couldn't find the blonde guy on the beach) Incidentally, everybody in this movie (including the ladies) wore wigs, false teeth, latex appliances, assorted facial hair, and contact lenses. That's Hollywood, folks.😎

O.K., moving on.

Pawnshop Chronicles

Thank you. Thank you,very much.
(Clearly, a wig and some awesome shades😎.)

Now Billy Anderson had braids, extensions, faux tan. But the facial hair, once again, was Brendan's.

Makeup Artist Maurizio Nardi

It could've been a lot worse.

And once more for the record............................
He does have hair, it's his, he paid the relocation fees. He finally said it, you heard it, and My Tess is beside herself with joy.👼
All is right with the world.🌈🌞
Hey, Tom ! If you want the number of the hair place....let me know.😉 

Friday, May 11, 2018

We "Trust" You Will Like This.

We would like to say a very special thank you to Lorraine Ali of
The Los Angeles Times for a well-researched, intelligent, thoughtful, and Fun interview. What a pleasure!

The video is twenty-nine minutes long and will not fit here and we want you to enjoy it in its entirety, so please go to YouTube to watch it and comment and we will read your comments there.
We hope they will be the antithesis of the Aol Build interview comments from last year, because as you will see,
Brendan is neither "sad," "poor", "defeated", "a husk of his former self" nor "depressed", etc.
What a difference seventeen months makes? (or was it simply a professional interviewer who knows how to do her job, and a much more comfortable seat! (DEFINITELY !!!)

Here's the link (if you trust those things)
Otherwise, the title is -As J. Paul Getty's "handyman", Brendan Fraser builds "Trust" with the audience.

TheChamCham😉👍and Tess🌷

Friday, May 4, 2018


         Now this is a happy guy !!! 

Always great to see somebody keeping the Marcia Brady thumb dance alive. And the drink in one hand looks super groovy too. 

Uh oh ! The Mrs. looks like she might be about to unleash The Funky Chicken !!! 
Ah, Retro. Is there anything better ?

And who do we have here ............................?

Ladies and Gentleman, Gotham's own Clark Kent out on the town ! Hey, Mr.Kent ! Where's the lovely Miss Lois Lane ?

And who's your date for the evening?

If we told you, you'd never believe it. Or would you ???