Thursday, December 27, 2018

If it's Thursday, it must be.....

.........Belgium !!!😁Happy Holidays to everyone and Joyeux Noel !!! As you may have surmised, Brendan is spending the holidays in Brussels with the boys. Why ??? Because traveling is fun and educational, especially for the kids, and Brendan has a lot of frequent flyer miles 🛫!!!😏  Like many European cities at Christmastime, Belgium has a lot of Christmas markets 🎄and the largest is in Brussels. There are lots of little chalet-esque stalls selling handicrafts,
ornaments, gifts, and FOOD😋. There's also a skating rink⛸️, a nativity with live animals 🦌🐑🐄🐫🕊️🐧(or terrific animatronics🤔), rides🎠🎡, a parade,
enough lights to make Clark Griswold VERY happy
and did I mention the food !!!


A White Christmas would've been nice (a pretty little bird 🐦tells me that it's snowing in New York😔). It's about 30 degrees in Brussels, so a white New Year's Eve is still a possibility. Oh well, in the meantime, some more delicious fondue🍲🧀🥩🥖 and a glass or two of the house red🍷🍷will keep the holiday mood alive 😉!!!
Brendan and the boys at Les Fondus de la Raclette in Brussels, Belgium. Say "fromage"!🌷

Happy Holidays !!!☃️🦌

Thursday, December 20, 2018



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Patton Oswalt with his brother Mike Oswalt.           (this is NOT Brendan Fraser 😆!!!)
AND here they are as teens...
                                                                           AND here they are today.

Is there a reason for this post? Yes, there is. We here, at The Brendan Fraser Factum, do not post indiscriminantly. We do not post strictly for the sake of posting, and if you read something here, you can trust it. Unlike some other sites, we pride ourselves on giving you the facts. Our reputation speaks for itself. WE have no reason to lie or to make things up for attention. We get plenty of attention. PLENTY. Do we use pseudonyms? Of course !!! Who doesn't  on the interweb ??? Do we "embellish" our posts ? Sometimes. It's called "dramatic license". Do I recall Tess' and my conversations in script form ? Sure. Why ? Because I think it makes them easier to read, especially for our international guests. Now, I'm not going to name names. You know who you are and if you don't, that's bad.
Actually, you know what, I AM going to.
The supposed Brendan Fraser photo was posted by our old (reportedly 35 years old😆) "friend", ADELE MELLISH, who has a Brendan Fraser page on
Over 55,000 likes from extremely gullible people.
Facebook shouldn't allow people to post under celebrity's names. Accounts should have to be verified and fan pages should make it clear that's what they are. Her Twitter handle is @thatbrendanfan, so why not use that ? Then again, @thataftonfraserwannabe is much more fitting. As I told her at IMDb, that position has been filled.....for the past 27 years.
At any rate, if she's going to keep posting ,she really needs to hire a fact checker. I have a great one. I call it : My conscience. 😉

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Reality Shows Brendan Fraser WOULD Do !!! ( Or Not)

                 If all three categories are breakfast and Brendan doesn't have to kill anything (lobsters, sea urchins, gummy worms....)
                  The basket has to contain Guinness Stout or Argentinian red wine (to drink while he's cooking), shellfish, ramen, chunky monkey ice cream and the number of the closest pizza place.               
                                                        And ONLY female judges !!!                                        
                                                          Tess says Brendan and Scott                                                                 Conant in the same room would set off the smoke alarms and someone might get hurt !😨        Personally, I don't get what she sees in either one of them.😒                               

                            1)Brendan gets to choose his partner.(Cheryl !😉)

                   2) No heavy lifting.

                   3) No bare midriff ruffled mambo shirts.

                   4)Adam Shankman in the wings yelling "Left foot Brendan ! Right foot Brendan !

                   5) Fixed voting to insure that Big B. is in the final three or else what's the point,right ? Am I right ???😉

                    6) The judges: Brendan's ex-wife, Brendan's best friend, and Brendan's personal assistant/private chef. (Hey, it worked for Afton !)


GUESTRONOMY ( Get it ??? I made this one up !!! 😋)

On each episode Brendan goes to a different pub, bar, tavern, beer garden, brewery, etc. to share some good food, a few pints and some lively conversation with a celebrity friend. Very low key, very low-impact and nobody wins anything, but at the end they throw darts for the tab.

Reality Shows Brendan Fraser would NOT do !!!
That guy needs therapy ! And dare I say it.......A new barber !😬

That looks exhausting !!!😫

Yeah,......I don't think it's.......Brendan.😟

Gather all the single women in one place, drop Brendan by parachute and......yeah... that's not such a good idea.😨

Brendan can't sew and there's something really annoying about that Heidi Klum.😲

Nope. 😝

I keep telling you...! He already is !!!😎

Too close to home.😱

Let me know when they bring back Hollywood Squares !😉

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Fish Head, Anyone ???

Give a man a fish,
He will eat for a day.
Teach a man to fish,
He will eat for a lifetime.

Brendan went salmon fishing in Puget Sound last week.

I guess the seal just wanted it more.
Have you ever seen a guiltier looking face ?😳

See ya!😉

Monday, May 14, 2018


I think My Tess was happier with these fifteen seconds than the other twenty eight and a half minutes. 😁 She is a firm believer in the truth.

A certain Mr. Tom Wake of something called TvOvermind seems very😟.....what's a nice way of putting it.........Um,
Obsessed ? with the history of Brendan's hair. He really needs to get another hobby. Oh, I don't know......ARCHERY ??? Probably not.
So, we have compiled a list to help Tom and anyone else who is sadly confused about Brendan's hair.
In the following films, Brendan is wearing a wig (sometimes, more than one !!!😱 (Screaming "Nooooooooooooooo !!!))

Sorry ladies, but the long luxurious locks of Mr.Primate were
part of the costume. 

And Little Monkey, played by Binks, had the pleasure of pulling it off on more than one occasion.
And promise you won't faint, but the "tan" came from the make up
department. Brendan is naturally
fair-skinned and does not tan.

Once again, the hair and suntan were part of the costume. The facial hair was Brendan's.

And in case you didn't know,
Rachel was also wearing a wig because she had very short hair at the time. She brushed too hard filming this scene and pulled it off. 😆



I think these are pretty easy ( I couldn't find the blonde guy on the beach) Incidentally, everybody in this movie (including the ladies) wore wigs, false teeth, latex appliances, assorted facial hair, and contact lenses. That's Hollywood, folks.😎

O.K., moving on.

Pawnshop Chronicles

Thank you. Thank you,very much.
(Clearly, a wig and some awesome shades😎.)

Now Billy Anderson had braids, extensions, faux tan. But the facial hair, once again, was Brendan's.

Makeup Artist Maurizio Nardi

It could've been a lot worse.

And once more for the record............................
He does have hair, it's his, he paid the relocation fees. He finally said it, you heard it, and My Tess is beside herself with joy.👼
All is right with the world.🌈🌞
Hey, Tom ! If you want the number of the hair place....let me know.😉 

Friday, May 11, 2018

We "Trust" You Will Like This.

We would like to say a very special thank you to Lorraine Ali of
The Los Angeles Times for a well-researched, intelligent, thoughtful, and Fun interview. What a pleasure!

The video is twenty-nine minutes long and will not fit here and we want you to enjoy it in its entirety, so please go to YouTube to watch it and comment and we will read your comments there.
We hope they will be the antithesis of the Aol Build interview comments from last year, because as you will see,
Brendan is neither "sad," "poor", "defeated", "a husk of his former self" nor "depressed", etc.
What a difference seventeen months makes? (or was it simply a professional interviewer who knows how to do her job, and a much more comfortable seat! (DEFINITELY !!!)

Here's the link (if you trust those things)
Otherwise, the title is -As J. Paul Getty's "handyman", Brendan Fraser builds "Trust" with the audience.

TheChamCham😉👍and Tess🌷