Friday, November 1, 2019

Brendan was a special guest on Thursday on There's Something About Movies hosted by Alan Carr on SKY ONE (taped before a live audience. Live ???🤪 I sure hope so !!! Although someone shows up near the end who might not be......😧🤕!!!)

Tess has been trying to edit out Brendan's clips to put up here, but she has a toothache (dentist appointment pending😵) I think she got it from grinding her teeth over the "bawdiness" 😬🤬🤐 (parental warning given😒) and I sent her to bed and put up the full video on my YouTube channel because the file is too big to upload here. Enjoy😉!!!
What a happy fella, you say ???

Tess: Uh oh😟.

Me: Yup.

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